So here we are on the other side of the spectrum. Eating healthy… Now I’m the first person to say that I like to eat and eat well. Although my definition of eating well has slightly changed over the past 10 years. I’d like to say that I am healthy eater, but I hesitate to say this because some people associate healthy eating with starvation and deprivation, and straight-up just bland and nasty food. Well, that might be true for some, but it is definitely not true for me, no thank-you! My food choices started to change when I started college back in 2000. Can we say “freshman 15”, I was a college athlete living in the hottest most humid part of the country tackling insane workouts daily and somehow I still got the “15”. I’d like to say I gained muscle, lol… Although, my reason for changing was not necessarily personally based, it was more performance based; nevertheless this is where my journey began.
“Mmmmm mmmm good” for a “mmmm good” price…
Often people correlate healthy eating with expensive purchases. That doesn’t have to be. I know that Whole Foods and Fresh Market don’t justify that statement, but who says you have to shop there to eat well. Not I… Below I will show you how I eat healthy on a budget, lets go!
Taste the Rainbow
Mother nature made fruit and veggies for a reason, for us to eat! So many people eat minimal amounts of food from this category. Why? Not sure… Eating these foods is not only extremely healthy and beneficial but cheap. There are so many different varieties to choose from, apples, oranges, bananas, most fruits, even frozen fruits which are cheaper and preserve all nutrients (great for smoothies).... Veggies fall in the same categories as fruits. There are a plethora of vegetables, which are also healthy and cheap. Like fruit you can find frozen vegetables for cheap as well…
How I incorporate them in my diet
(FYI- diet does not mean starve yourself, the medical definition of diet is the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day; more narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific requirements of the individual, including or excluding certain foods)
Religiously, my diet is in accordance with these fresh options hopefully my choices can give you some ideas
I eat bananas almost daily, great source of potassium (potassium is an electrolyte, electrolytes keep your body in balance and keep the amount of water in your body in balance, similar to sports drinks that seemingly do the same thing in an unnatural/processed way), if your active it helps prevent muscle cramps and alleviate soreness
Eat apples almost daily (excellent source of fiber and of course an apple a day keeps the doctor away), love no added sugar apple sauce (also comes in different flavors)
*QUICK FACT- All this talk about fiber, you're probably wondering what it does... Fiber Keeps your digestive tract running smoothly by helping to prevent constipation, and it also adds bulk to your meals, which ultimately helps you feel full so you eat less. Fiber lowers your risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.
When I feel like peeling oranges, I like to eat them, I don’t like to work for my food, so it depends on my mood, lol..Great source of vitamin C (just 1 orange contains all the vitamin C that you need in a day) , vitamin C protects our immune system and fights toxins, type of antioxidant..
Green Grapes are good, grapes have an ample amount of fiber but I “kill em” so I don’t eat them as often because they end up being expensive when you by them every other day…
Watermelon- lovely, unfortunately it is a seasonal fruit, but I suggest you get after it during its season! Contains mainly water and natural sugar and also, a good source of fiber
Blueberries- so good, especially with things like cereal or yogurt (packed with antioxidants which help prevent cell damage, helping preserve your beauty), but again I don’t like buying them that often because they go quickly and I quickly ingest them, also they are only really good between the months of May- October. (buying frozen is the trick or eating blueberry yogurt)
Smoothies mmmm… don’t enjoy paying for them, if I took more time I would make them like the good ol’ days… all you have to do is buy a cheap mixer, gather some frozen fruit (cheaper) or fresh, throw in some ice, yogurt, little juice, or all… and you have yourself a good meal for breakfast, drink for lunch or snack
Bagged Salad (spinach and mixed greens not ice berg, why? Ice berg lettuce has no nutrients but the other two do, especially spinach; Spinach is high in iron, Vitamin A and C, beta-cartotene, calcium and fiber, considered one of the super-foods. If I could I’d make a green smoothie, but I haven’t gotten to that level yet, lol… maybe one day) soooo good, if you can take the time and make your own and cut, then I suggest that, add chicken, tuna, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, egg whites, lean deli meats, salmon, all veggies.
Baby Carrots- mmm crunchy, good with a lil’ honey mustard (yeah I know I’m weird)
Acorn squash- soooo good if you cook it like a baked potato, add a lil’ brown sugar, or sugar and maple syrup, soooooooooo good
Sweet Potato- good in so many ways, cooked and ate, fries, pie, pancakes, need I say more (good source of complex carbs)… better for you than regular potatoes
Tomatoes- don’t like eating alone but often add to salad sandwich, etc… contains an ample amount of water (has lots of vitamin A, which promotes good vision, vitamin C, some potassium a well)
Hummus spread-made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic, great with tortilla chips, pita bread, carrots, anything snacky (good source of good fat, see.. my explanation about monounsatuated fat in nuts and guacamole/avocados below)
Salsa- excellent fresh and canned, a low fat mixture of veggies and seasonings
Guacamole- comes from avocados (has lots of vitamins and contains good fat, same fat found in nuts monounsaturated);you can make your own with avocados,tomatoes, cilantro and lime juice
Breakfast my favorite meal of the day especially on the weekend
Ever since I moved back to the South, breakfast has been my best friend/nemesis, WHAT!!! I have to abstain from what I really want to eat all the time, but again I don’t sacrifice my taste buds. As you probably know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets your metabolism started after you have been sleeping all night.
Breads (1st and foremost, Atkins is whack, hopefully I didn't offend )
First off, bread is not the devil, just make the right choices at the right time and you’ll be okay.
Whole Grain Bread many source of nutrients, like fiber and iron, don’t mistake for processed brown bread
Flourless Bread usually found in the Freezer, it's little more expensive but really good for you, gluten free (completely free of ingredients with gluten, prevents swelling of intestines and stomach with people who have coeliac disease, "wikipedia coeliac disease" hard to explain, lol)
English muffins- whole grain, light and good
Whole grain, and oat pancake and waffle mixes-mmmmmmmmmmmmm and good for you
French Toast- can be healthier with egg whites and all these bread options above, soooooooo gooood!
Oatmeal- throwing it in this category since it is a grain, real good for you (great fiber and iron source), tends to make me full and warm, great comfort food when you add fruit or shaved nuts and some brown sugar, ewww wee!
Cereal- I’m a big fan of Fiber One (you definitely have to have an acquired taste), Honey Nut Chex, plain Cheerios, Rice Chex.. I try not to eat sugary cereals, so the trick to sweetening them is adding a tad of honey, just a lil’ bit, and I usually drop some fruit in there like a banana or some type of berry (blue or raspberry)
Soy milk (to go along with cereal) - sooo good and sweet (i prefer the light vanilla option flavor), I am lactose intolerant (even though I still eat a lot of foods with dairy, sparingly, so that I don't have an upset stomach) as are most African Americans and minorities (an estimated 80% of African-American and 3 out of 4 African-American women are considered lactose intolerant). Soy milk is high and protein. Soy come from beans which have a good amount of fiber. The downfall of soy milk is the lack of calcium like regular milk, but you can always get your calcium from yogurt and other dairy like cheese, non dairy calcium options are: Salmon Tofu, Rhubarb, Sardines, Collard greens, Spinach, Turnip greens, Okra, White beans, Baked beans, Broccoli, Peas, Brussel sprouts, Sesame seeds, Bok choy, Almonds
*So, basically bread is the “bomb”, don’t let anyone tell you different. You need these carbohydrates for energy (if you have further questions about when the consumption is best, then don’t hesitate to ask). The other “good good” breads like cinnamon rolls and cakes, won’t kill you in moderation
Egg Whites- Great source of protein, if you can do w/out the yoke then do it, but the yolk is not completely bad. It has good nutrients. I usually like to make a good omelet with 1 egg yolk and three egg whites.
Yogurt- mmmm, good in so many ways especially for woman ( rich source of calcium, has protein too, prevents over production of yeast for woman who have yeast infections), when I’m on my regular routine to the grocery store this is the food I always buy, always… eww, I almost forgot, yogurt parfaits, mmmm all goodness with fruit and a lil’ granola or a bit of your favorite cereal sprinkled on top.
Breakfast Meats- not a big fan, eat turkey sausage and bacon on occasion but somewhat dry.
Natural Peanut butter (no added sugar) and almond butter (almond butter is a lil’ more expensive)- great source of protein, vitamin E, and contains good fat (monounsaturated fat, which is good for the heart)
Real Jam and Jelly- I’ve started to taste test different one’s at the supermarket, pear is stellar along with apple butter.
Peanut Butter and Jelly is the poor mans superfood, it's extremely healthy when whole grain bread and a fresh spread is used.
Salmon- grilled or baked is delicious.. excellent source of Omega 3’s (fatty acids, which is a major dietary nutrient that fight inflammation), cheaper when you buy frozen from places like Cosco and BJ’s
Chicken- Rotisserie Chicken, gotta love it! It is baked, delicious and cheap, and for all the single folk there are multiple servings in one chicken. I like white meat/chicken breast and thankfully this is leanest and healthier of the two type (other dark).
Beans- great source of fiber, I like baked beans, black beans and pinto (with Mexican and Hispanic dishes), lentils love them (still trying to learn how to cook lentil soup, but for anyone who does let me know, we'll become new best friends, lol...) chili is also my fave (regular chili and white chicken chili)
Red Meat- Juicy lean burgers, decent price and can freeze (It has a great source of iron. Iron is very important because is necessary to make hemoglobin which is the pigment in red blood cells that transfers oxygen to all the tissues of the body. Many people are iron deficient/anaemic especially woman, it is important that woman keep track of their iron in- take during their menstrual cycle due to loss of blood. Also, pregnant woman need twice as much blood, so they need consume more foods with iron during pregnancy. Systems of anaemia is constant fatigue, weakness, lack of recovery and easy bruising. See doctor is you believe you are this way... )
Tuna aka chicken of the sea- my back-up food, usually tuna when I have expended my options unless I make Tuna Salad, which I don’t lol, I buy; It’s great with salad or pasta dishes, very easy to throw into a meal
Lunch Meats- I don't eat this meat that often because anymore becuase it is significantly high in sodium, but I do enjoy the Boars Head Brand (smoked and honey turkey).
Other Din Din Options or sides
Brown Rice- great source of fiber better choice than white rice, it is equivalent to white bread and whole grain bread
Wheat Pasta- ditto to above
I drink these two things religiously, especially at this time of the year, when my sweat factor is amped up a bit during workouts and spring and summer activities.
Why they are so important
Green Tea- contains the highest concentration of antioxidants (neutralizes free radicals from our body and toxins in our environment that breaks down cells preventing cell damage), also helps speed metabolism and regulate digestion.
Water- ranked second to oxygen in helping us live, knowing this, you’d think you’d try to consume more daily, right? Your overall body weight is 2/3 water. It is the most abundant ingredient in your body, every system depends on water, that’s why when you don’t get enough/dehydration, bad things occur, like headaches and an overall lack of energy/lethargy. Your body just starts to break down. You can only survive about 2 days with out water.
Water is essential to your body's temperature regulation, keeping it cool through perspiration.
Water flushes out toxins and wastes.
Water is a major component of blood which carries nutrients and oxygen to and from all cells.
Water provides a moist environment for all body tissues. It is the major component of saliva and mucous which lubricates the membranes that line our digestive system beginning with the mouth. Mucous membranes in the nose and eyes function better when well hydrated.
Water cushions joints and protects tissues and organs like the brain from shock and damage.
Water helps maintain a healthy weight. It is hard to distinguish between hunger and thirst. If you feel hungry, drink some water first and then reassess your hunger status
*when you sweat/lose water you must replenish and consume even more water…*
Where I shop for good deals
Cereal, juice, tortilla chips, yogurt, bread, condiments, nuts, peanut butter, apple butter, and salsa
Harris Teeter, Trader Joe's, or Kroger
All veggies and fruits, meat, side dishes (brown rice, beans, etc.), eggs, yogurt, all other food options
*Lastly, use coupons, use coupons, use coupons from the grocery store and paper. Also, if you "google" coupons online then you'll find out about lots of deals on the web.
For healthy recipes a great site is
"Eating right and exercising sometimes involves a walk of faith, you might not see the results you want right away, but eventually your efforts will pay off and you will be rewarded with a more healthy beautiful you"- ME
Stay Tuned in the Future for: "Mmmm Mmmmm Good" Part 2: Fast Food
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Exercise can change your attitude…. Be active!!!!
"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional and mental states." - Carol Welch
So, Lately I’ve been extra motivated to get in a real “good good” work-out. For those who know me, you might be chuckling and consider this typical, but lately the weather has just been great for some extra extra “sweat time” (the winter season tends to give me/us less options for our equation, I personally don’t like the cold, which ultimately limits my exercise routine and another factor is the shorter days). Again, those of you who know me know that no matter what the day, week, month, or how I feel (unless I’m sick), or where I am… I am getting my exercise in… It’s that simple… I’m an addict. WHY? Exercise gives me energy and relieves tension/stress while allowing me to give forethought (therapeutic vision) to try and live a purposeful life. Most of the time exercise gives me time to myself, unless it involves sports or other people, but again even then, it still allows me to release stress and gain energy.
Now you might be laughing at the statement “exercise gives me energy” because it is sounds like a definite oxymoron, BUT it is true…..
Research shows that regular exercise can increase energy levels even with people suffering from illness. If you’re just starting to get into the routine of exercise you may, scratch that…. you are exhausted ( lol, I know the feeling!!!!!) BUT weather the storm and give yourself a chance. “Keep it moving” because in due time you will feel more energized (proper eating and sleep is necessary as well).
My 94 year old “nana”. That’s right I call her nana :). Is one of the most amazing people that I know… Up until about three months ago, she was living in her 3 level house, easily maneuvering around and doing her “thang, thang”… She is a true independent woman. She could get it! You would have thought she was in her early 70’s. Now, a lot of people would correlate her life span to good genes and being blessed, etc… which I won’t argue, but I’d like to say that being active and living a healthy lifestyle played a big part in her longevity in life, which ultimately allowed her to positively affect so many people in so many different ways and to live purposefully day-in and day-out…. Now, my nana was born in 1915, so she didn’t go to the gym, and she didn’t listen to crazy infomercials about insane workouts and diets… Her equation was very simplistic. She is from Pittsburgh, PA and lives in the city. If you have ever been to PITT, you know most of the hills (little mountains) there are redunkulous, lol… About 4 to 5 days a week she would walk in the morning around her neighborhood (approx. 2 to 4 miles depending on the day). Along with her walking she worked around her house and yard quite often. Her lifestyle also involved activity. She doesn’t have a car so she often caught public transportation and walked around town. After she retired she stayed involved mentally and physically with her church. ACTIVITY was key and she did it all the time. If you think about it, your body is meant to be active. If you are not active parts start to weaken and become inactive/useless (that’s with most things). This goes hand in hand with your heart and lungs. The more you work these two organs, the longer you can last, the further you can go… Think about it.. Now, I am not saying all this for you to go out and run a marathon, I am simply saying start building your stamina/endurance and see where it takes you. Activity can involve anything that gets your heart rate going.. Make your equation in relation to your everyday lifestyle, and let your equation be conducive to you! If “being active” is new to you, start slow and build, remember you plan is to be healthy for a lifetime…. If you have any questions please, don’t hesitate to ask me. You can leave a comment or email me at
"Exercise is good for your Mind, Body, and Soul"-Susie Michelle Corthright
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